

Welcome to our comprehensive Post Basic BSc Nursing Course Platform! Designed to empower aspiring nurses and elevate their careers, our program is meticulously crafted to provide a holistic education in the field of nursing. Aspiring to deliver excellence, our course is tailored to meet the evolving demands of the healthcare industry while nurturing compassionate, skilled, and knowledgeable nursing professionals. Our Post Basic BSc Nursing program is a testament to our commitment to academic excellence and the development of competent nursing practitioners. With a curriculum that blends theoretical knowledge with hands-on clinical experience, we aim to prepare our students to thrive in diverse healthcare settings.

Affiliated to RGUHS & recognised by INC, KNC & Government of Karnataka

Comprehensive Curriculum

Our program is structured to cover a wide array of essential subjects, including Advanced Nursing Practice, Pharmacology, Nursing Research, Community Health Nursing, Maternal and Child Health Nursing, and more. The curriculum is regularly updated to align with the latest advancements and evidence-based practices in the nursing field.

Clinical Experience

We believe in the significance of practical learning. Hence, our course integrates extensive clinical rotations in prestigious healthcare institutions, providing students with real-world experiences to apply their theoretical knowledge in clinical settings.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Students benefit from access to modern laboratories, simulation centres, and libraries stocked with the latest resources. These facilities enable hands-on learning and research opportunities, enhancing their overall academic journey.

Faculty Expertise

Our faculty comprises highly skilled professionals and educators with vast experience in nursing. They are dedicated to mentoring and guiding students, fostering an environment that encourages critical thinking, ethical practice, and leadership skills.

Career Opportunities

Upon completion of the course, graduates are equipped with the expertise and confidence to pursue diverse career paths in hospitals, clinics, community health centres, research institutions, and educational settings, both nationally and internationally.

Admission Requirements and Process

Prospective candidates must hold a Diploma in Nursing and possess a valid nursing license. Our admission process is selective, considering academic performance, relevant experience, and a personal interview. We aim to select candidates who exhibit a strong passion for nursing and a dedication to advancing healthcare.

Why Choose Faran?

Reputation: Faran has a distinguished reputation for producing skilled and compassionate nursing professionals who excel in their careers.

Supportive Environment: We foster a supportive learning environment that encourages open communication, collaboration, and personal growth.

Continual Learning: Our commitment to lifelong learning ensures that our graduates stay updated with the latest advancements in nursing practice.

At Faran, we are committed to shaping the future of nursing by nurturing competent, compassionate, and culturally sensitive healthcare professionals. Our Post Basic BSc Nursing Course provides a transformative educational experience that equips students with the skills and knowledge to make meaningful contributions to the healthcare industry. Join us in this rewarding journey towards a fulfilling nursing career!

Contact us today to learn more about our Post Basic BSc Nursing Course and embark on a path of excellence in nursing!


  • Starts NOVEMBER 2023
  • Duration 4 YEARS
  • Students 60
  • Assesments Theory & Practical
  • Eligibility minimum of 50% in Basic bsc nursing or post basic bsc nursing
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